lame seyh ak tak tulis2 kt blog aku nih...
kangen bgt!!
nk wak cmne kn...intrnet kt umah ak buat hal lgik!!
(mslh dalaman..he2)
n today,,ak pegi lib..sbb smate2 nk nulis blog n checking some other things lg..
best sial duk sni!!
xde org ggu pon..
duk sorang2..
Xcely,lme dh ak x gi lib ni..
dh stahun ak rse..
nwy,,pnjg plk ak cite psl lib ni...
k arr,,i wanna checking my fs jap..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
minah ayu ketok!!
aku x puah ati nge minah kls aku yg sial!!!
let me mention da 1st letter of her name..'F'...
ala sblum ni buat2 baik dpn aku..
cite mslh lh,,psl pakwe lh..
tp aku sbg kwn,,dgorlh..
aku mmg pndengar yg setia..
n all her problems aku simpan,,aku x gtaw sape2 pon..
n today diye wk aku jd bengang..
aton gtaw aku yg akak kpd minah sial ni,,suwoh dia
warning aku sbb ske jage tepi kain adik ye..
aku pon trnganga cm org gile..
sape care hal adek ye??
as i knew,im just dgor her probs n luahan hati adek ye..
aku tdiam skjp..
stahu aku arr,,die yg byok bocorkn rhsie aku..
tu tawn lps!!
tp aku wak dek je..
sbb for me,it's not a big deal..
n then rupe2nye,,minah sial ni trase ati ngn aku sbb
mse kls tmbhan aku tnye 'nape x mari mareng"..
pahtu ye kbo 'xdok knderaan'
tu je..
pahtu aku kte ingtkn gi wak date..
dia pon trase ati n x lalu nk tgk muke aku kt kls..
die pon ponteng kls strusnye..
aku pon dpt brite yg mmg btol ye x gi kls sbb g wak date..
then,dia ssng ati g kbo kt kakok ye(pd mulenye mmg ye xleh ngam nge kakok ye hok ni..
almklumlh byk ngt kakok)
ye tu mmg,,ngam nge org kejap je..pahtu brpaling tadah..
ingat ye lawo ngt?????
for me,u r beautiful as a bitch!!
n this is for dis FUCK girl:
nape mg sokmo x puah ati nge aku??
mg tu dpn je baik,,blkg masyaallahh.!!
org laki ske ke mg pon sbb mg ayu je..
(mmg mg ayu pon,,tp ayu mg ayu sial babi)
n fyi,im HEPY ENOUGH wif my life!!!
yeah!!ramai yg kte u go wif ur style..
but certain of them said dat u r not realy who u are..
so for me,,u didnt lead ur life wif da way u r..
(pliss,,im not jealous wif u)
u start oll dis first kn,,so ak just nk FIGHT FOR MY OWN RIGHT!
ala..akak mg blh arr kate mg de nyaket yg blh bwa mati
sbb nk bekap mg..
u tink i dun hav any reason to say ur akak is WRONG???
mg tgk lar diri mg tu dulu...
kalu btol2 mg taw mg nk mati,,mg g tobak doh!
dan mg x kan ngate ke aku gini..
stkat mg kbo ke kakok mg,xpe ah..
tp siap maen warning2 gi nih!!
sape blh duk diam ..??
n OFFICIALLY,im da one who anti-fren wif u now...
n I HATE YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!
** pompuan murahan mmg gitu...antre sedor ke dok je..**
aku x puah ati nge minah kls aku yg sial!!!
let me mention da 1st letter of her name..'F'...
ala sblum ni buat2 baik dpn aku..
cite mslh lh,,psl pakwe lh..
tp aku sbg kwn,,dgorlh..
aku mmg pndengar yg setia..
n all her problems aku simpan,,aku x gtaw sape2 pon..
n today diye wk aku jd bengang..
aton gtaw aku yg akak kpd minah sial ni,,suwoh dia
warning aku sbb ske jage tepi kain adik ye..
aku pon trnganga cm org gile..
sape care hal adek ye??
as i knew,im just dgor her probs n luahan hati adek ye..
aku tdiam skjp..
stahu aku arr,,die yg byok bocorkn rhsie aku..
tu tawn lps!!
tp aku wak dek je..
sbb for me,it's not a big deal..
n then rupe2nye,,minah sial ni trase ati ngn aku sbb
mse kls tmbhan aku tnye 'nape x mari mareng"..
pahtu ye kbo 'xdok knderaan'
tu je..
pahtu aku kte ingtkn gi wak date..
dia pon trase ati n x lalu nk tgk muke aku kt kls..
die pon ponteng kls strusnye..
aku pon dpt brite yg mmg btol ye x gi kls sbb g wak date..
then,dia ssng ati g kbo kt kakok ye(pd mulenye mmg ye xleh ngam nge kakok ye hok ni..
almklumlh byk ngt kakok)
ye tu mmg,,ngam nge org kejap je..pahtu brpaling tadah..
ingat ye lawo ngt?????
for me,u r beautiful as a bitch!!
n this is for dis FUCK girl:
nape mg sokmo x puah ati nge aku??
mg tu dpn je baik,,blkg masyaallahh.!!
org laki ske ke mg pon sbb mg ayu je..
(mmg mg ayu pon,,tp ayu mg ayu sial babi)
n fyi,im HEPY ENOUGH wif my life!!!
yeah!!ramai yg kte u go wif ur style..
but certain of them said dat u r not realy who u are..
so for me,,u didnt lead ur life wif da way u r..
(pliss,,im not jealous wif u)
u start oll dis first kn,,so ak just nk FIGHT FOR MY OWN RIGHT!
ala..akak mg blh arr kate mg de nyaket yg blh bwa mati
sbb nk bekap mg..
u tink i dun hav any reason to say ur akak is WRONG???
mg tgk lar diri mg tu dulu...
kalu btol2 mg taw mg nk mati,,mg g tobak doh!
dan mg x kan ngate ke aku gini..
stkat mg kbo ke kakok mg,xpe ah..
tp siap maen warning2 gi nih!!
sape blh duk diam ..??
n OFFICIALLY,im da one who anti-fren wif u now...
n I HATE YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!
** pompuan murahan mmg gitu...antre sedor ke dok je..**
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
eyy..bosan nye beb!!
x taw nk wak pe..
dr dlu g aku x ske cuti ni..sbb notink to do lar..
so keje aku 4 dis cuti is on9,on9,on9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pastu wak keje umh..
sial borim!!~
bgun pagi,pastu bekpes,kemas umh,jemur,lipat kain,mkn lg n on99~~
mcm housewife plkk..
menci aku..
but yesterday is da most greatest day i had..
mareng aku g psaraya,then beli la pape yg ptut..
brg dapur taw!!!
sayur2,ayam n so on..
blk umh,aku siap2 ngn pakaian nk msk beb!!!
aku mulekn dgn potong sayur2..
pastu ayam den goreng pe yg ptut..
da menu is KUETEOW RATNA..
uihh,,ni 1st time msk meal ni..
bese mkn kt kdai jek..
b4 dis dela msk KUETEOW HAILAM..
sme jek rsenye care mskk..
adik n akakku mkn hngga mnjilat jari!!!
wah3..(bior mkn ngn sudu pon)
tnpe mngingtkn parents ku,x sedar plk kuah tnggl ckt
aje lg..
aku pon bke peti,ambk sayur then potong..
sian parents aku x dpt mkn mskn anknye..
so aku decide nk msk nASI GORENG jek!!
tp best taw!!
dpt pujian lg..
wah3,,tu je aku nk kbo..
aku pndai msk!!!!!!!!!
stil learning lar..
k lar..
Thursday, August 14, 2008
yeahh!!exam was olredy passed...
now im feel gud!!!!
but not realy gud lar..
bcoz da result x kuar lg lar..
nway,i had tried all my best in dis exam...
i did my revision a lot mehh!!
besides,i also had my solat hajat..
so,hopefully ade impruvment...
dis monink,i went to skul as usual lh..
0715 dh ade kt skula dh..
while waitin for da exam began,i did my last revision..
today is science n KH paper..
so i studied SC 1st..
alhmdllh,,boley le jgk jwb..
tipu lar aku kte x tiru sape or tnye org..(thnx to aliff n mctonea)
they help me a lot!!
tu mmg dh trend taw!!
hahah..ppndai je aku neh...
KH paper pon,ok lar..
tp aku x jamin mne lar soklan akaun tuh....
ake tak expert mne bab2 akaun neh....
then pkul 1 pm pon tibe!!!
tepat jam itulh kau da MERDEKA!!!
tp x spenuhnye lg..
rizak pon x dpt g..real PMR pon blum gi...
ehhhmmm,tu la citelast day exam...
tonite i felt so borink lar..
bese mlm2 gni aku study gk lar..
but tonite TIDAK..
it is not mean dat im bored wif BOOKS!!
eyhh,,,hello!!itu TIDAK sama skali..
i jz wanna release tension 1st...
two weeks b4 dis,,my time olwes wif books..
so,for tonite only,,aku jauhkn diri sbntr dr buku..
bbngge lak aku neh!!
k lar,nk tdor plk..
now im feel gud!!!!
but not realy gud lar..
bcoz da result x kuar lg lar..
nway,i had tried all my best in dis exam...
i did my revision a lot mehh!!
besides,i also had my solat hajat..
so,hopefully ade impruvment...
dis monink,i went to skul as usual lh..
0715 dh ade kt skula dh..
while waitin for da exam began,i did my last revision..
today is science n KH paper..
so i studied SC 1st..
alhmdllh,,boley le jgk jwb..
tipu lar aku kte x tiru sape or tnye org..(thnx to aliff n mctonea)
they help me a lot!!
tu mmg dh trend taw!!
hahah..ppndai je aku neh...
KH paper pon,ok lar..
tp aku x jamin mne lar soklan akaun tuh....
ake tak expert mne bab2 akaun neh....
then pkul 1 pm pon tibe!!!
tepat jam itulh kau da MERDEKA!!!
tp x spenuhnye lg..
rizak pon x dpt g..real PMR pon blum gi...
ehhhmmm,tu la citelast day exam...
tonite i felt so borink lar..
bese mlm2 gni aku study gk lar..
but tonite TIDAK..
it is not mean dat im bored wif BOOKS!!
eyhh,,,hello!!itu TIDAK sama skali..
i jz wanna release tension 1st...
two weeks b4 dis,,my time olwes wif books..
so,for tonite only,,aku jauhkn diri sbntr dr buku..
bbngge lak aku neh!!
k lar,nk tdor plk..
Sunday, August 10, 2008
trial 1st
hye all..it's quite long time i didnt open my blog..
n yeahh!!taday i write a new blog!!!
today is da trial for pmr..n it is not jz like da past exam..
da past i play a lot ..but now,im seriously FOCUS...hehe
30 minutes b4 da exam start,i did my last revision...
Xpecely sejarah...last check!!!
alhmdllh,da questions r quite similar wif da past questions i revised...
i hope i'll get A for sjarah!!for da 1st time mybe..ahakzz
aftr dat,i went 4 recess..it was suxx u!!
idk y i cant wait for my frens anymore..
they r effin slow!!!!!slow!!
they did touch-up n wat so ever lar..
it waste my time!!
at dat time,i realy dun care bout them..
i jz let them boraking in da class..
i went ahead to da canteen n had my nasi..
then,i went to see ustazah to get da spot quest for agma islam..
when,i enter da class,,the last paper 4 bm was already started..
i got angry wif evryone in my class!!!
my pencil box pon bley hilang!!!!!
it suxx egen u!!!
at last,i got it!!
i started to write my essay about 15 minutes late..
fortunately,i hav a lot of idea to write it...
i finished at 1 pm sharp..!!!
naseb baik!!!
n lastly i back home..took my shower n smbhyang..
then i solat n rehat jap..
emm,,i think dats oll for today!!
p/s: i dono how to tell my frens bout my feelings to them today..i jz hate to be waiting!!waiting!!!n waiting!!
n yeahh!!taday i write a new blog!!!
today is da trial for pmr..n it is not jz like da past exam..
da past i play a lot ..but now,im seriously FOCUS...hehe
30 minutes b4 da exam start,i did my last revision...
Xpecely sejarah...last check!!!
alhmdllh,da questions r quite similar wif da past questions i revised...
i hope i'll get A for sjarah!!for da 1st time mybe..ahakzz
aftr dat,i went 4 recess..it was suxx u!!
idk y i cant wait for my frens anymore..
they r effin slow!!!!!slow!!
they did touch-up n wat so ever lar..
it waste my time!!
at dat time,i realy dun care bout them..
i jz let them boraking in da class..
i went ahead to da canteen n had my nasi..
then,i went to see ustazah to get da spot quest for agma islam..
when,i enter da class,,the last paper 4 bm was already started..
i got angry wif evryone in my class!!!
my pencil box pon bley hilang!!!!!
it suxx egen u!!!
at last,i got it!!
i started to write my essay about 15 minutes late..
fortunately,i hav a lot of idea to write it...
i finished at 1 pm sharp..!!!
naseb baik!!!
n lastly i back home..took my shower n smbhyang..
then i solat n rehat jap..
emm,,i think dats oll for today!!
p/s: i dono how to tell my frens bout my feelings to them today..i jz hate to be waiting!!waiting!!!n waiting!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
i got notink to write 4 2nite..
sje2 je bke ni...
bosan bgt!!!
rndu nk bke ni sbb da 5 ari xbke..
aku now stress sgt..
mybe bese r kot sbb pmr da nk dkt..
tnggl 97 ari je lg..
debor weh!!
tuhan sje yg taw..
kdg2 aku sdor aku nk pekse tawn ni,,kdg2 aku lngsng xsdor...
aku still g meaen,,on9 brjam2,lgu xabes2...
kalu pmr esok sdp owhh..
tp nk wk gne..
tgu jelar..
k lar,stkt ni jelar..
i got notink to write 4 2nite..
sje2 je bke ni...
bosan bgt!!!
rndu nk bke ni sbb da 5 ari xbke..
aku now stress sgt..
mybe bese r kot sbb pmr da nk dkt..
tnggl 97 ari je lg..
debor weh!!
tuhan sje yg taw..
kdg2 aku sdor aku nk pekse tawn ni,,kdg2 aku lngsng xsdor...
aku still g meaen,,on9 brjam2,lgu xabes2...
kalu pmr esok sdp owhh..
tp nk wk gne..
tgu jelar..
k lar,stkt ni jelar..
Thursday, July 10, 2008
hey oll..
today is da last day for da indonesian students being
here for 2 weeks..
they r come from SUMATERA BARAT..bukit tinggi..
wat i got hahh??
on da 1st day,,there were 2 girls came to my class..
we all stared at them..
honestly,at da first side,,i jz hate them..he2..
diorg nmpk cm sombong sgt..
but today(last day),,aku bru taw yg dorang tu,,baik sbnonye..
they called my name n pass sumtink to me..tu dela kng-kngan btw us..
aku smpt le ambk no fon n alamat..
mne taw,one day aku nk g indon ke..???
aku rse kangen bgt sme bdk2 tuhh..
rse cm rugi plk x intebiu dorang awl2..
wteva lar!!
i still keep in touch thru hp n emel aite??
k lar,,tonite cni je lar..
nk on fs jap..pastu tdor time..
hey oll..
today is da last day for da indonesian students being
here for 2 weeks..
they r come from SUMATERA BARAT..bukit tinggi..
wat i got hahh??
on da 1st day,,there were 2 girls came to my class..
we all stared at them..
honestly,at da first side,,i jz hate them..he2..
diorg nmpk cm sombong sgt..
but today(last day),,aku bru taw yg dorang tu,,baik sbnonye..
they called my name n pass sumtink to me..tu dela kng-kngan btw us..
aku smpt le ambk no fon n alamat..
mne taw,one day aku nk g indon ke..???
aku rse kangen bgt sme bdk2 tuhh..
rse cm rugi plk x intebiu dorang awl2..
wteva lar!!
i still keep in touch thru hp n emel aite??
k lar,,tonite cni je lar..
nk on fs jap..pastu tdor time..
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
huhu,,tonite i felt so hepy..dunoe why..
i olredy own a new blog..huhu~
aku da lme nk wk blog sndri tp slalu jek xjd..
urmm,,but tonite da boley..
k la,,cni je aku nk berblog mlm ni...
esk plk aku kontinw keyhh..
huhu,,tonite i felt so hepy..dunoe why..
i olredy own a new blog..huhu~
aku da lme nk wk blog sndri tp slalu jek xjd..
urmm,,but tonite da boley..
k la,,cni je aku nk berblog mlm ni...
esk plk aku kontinw keyhh..
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